Leon’s Lease Purchase Agreement and Contract Services LLC

Sale and Purchase Agreement

    Offer Date:

    Buyer Information

    Buyer's Full Name:

    Buyer's Phone Number:

    Buyer's Email:

    Buyer's Address:

    Seller Information

    Seller's Full Name:

    Seller's Phone Number:

    Seller's Email:

    Seller's Address:

    Property Details

    Property Address:

    Property Description:

    Property Identification Number:

    Land Area:

    Type of Property:

    MLS Number:

    Tax Parcel ID Number:

    Legal Description:

    Financial Details

    Purchase Price:

    Payment Method:

    Initial Deposit:

    Seller's Contribution at Closing:

    Earnest Money:

    Earnest Money Payment Method:

    Earnest Money Payment Date:

    Balance Payment:

    Closing Details

    Closing Date:

    Possession Date:

    Temporary Occupancy Agreement:

    Holder of Earnest Money:

    Closing Attorney/Law Firm:

    Inspection and Due Diligence

    Due Diligence Period:

    Option Payment for Due Diligence Period:

    Lead-Based Paint Disclosure:

    Brokerage Information

    Buyer's Broker:

    Broker Representation Type:

    Designated Agent Name:

    Seller's Broker:

    Designated Agent Name:

    Material Relationship Disclosure:

    Legal and Miscellaneous Details

    Default Clause:

    Dispute Resolution:

    Entire Agreement Clause:

    Amendments Clause:

    Special Stipulations:

    Governing Law:

    Attachments and Exhibits:


    Seller's Signature:

    Seller's Name:

    Seller's Date:

    Seller's Email:

    Seller's Phone Number:

    Seller's Address for Receiving Notice:

    Buyer's Name:

    Buyer's Date:

    Buyer's Email:

    Buyer's Phone Number:

    Buyer's Signature:

    Buyer's Address for Receiving Notice:

    Broker's Name:

    Broker's Date:

    Broker's License Number:

    Broker's Firm:

    Broker's Phone Number:

    Broker's Email:

    Broker's Signature:

    Additional Sections

    Notice of Binding Agreement Date:

    Cyber-Fraud Warning: